Saturday, May 15, 2010

May Week 2

May 9-May 15, 2010

Happy Mothers' Day!
Emily came in, put her cute little hands on my face and sang "Happy Mommy Day" (to the tune of "Happy Birthday") to wake me up this morning. It was a very happy mommy day :)
(This photo is drastically cropped, but I will include the whole one in my book.... just didn't want to post it here!)
Monday. May 10.
{Kenny, Tigger, Bunny and Sasha at our tea party}
Mondays are long because I have late rehearsals, but after dinner Emily and I had a tea party with ice cream. She brought some of her favorite friends along. :)
Tuesday. May 11.
Wednesday. May 12.
My desk at the elementary school
Thursday. May 13.
"Annie Junior" Rehearsal.
(Clearly... we're rehearsing...)
Gotta love the middle school kids :)

Friday. May 14.
{YAY for personal days!!}
We went to La Jolla, just for fun.
It was cold!
But that didn't stop our little fish!

"I don't wanna go."
Emily's good friend Jocelyn came over.
These two crack me up.
They are adorable together.

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