Sunday, March 1, 2009

February 12, 2009

This is a very common sight in our house these days, but I know that it won't be for much longer.  It's amazing to me, not only how fast time goes by, but also how quickly life changes with a baby.  Not just life before Em and life now, but more how she grows so quickly and how our life changes with each new step she takes.

This is an awkward time for feeding Em.  She seems too old for baby food, and too young for "normal" food.  She eats a lot of what we eat (sliced and diced into tiny bites) but a lot of it is too spicy, too acidic or what have you.  So these empty vegetable jars continue to pile up on our kitchen table.

Today was the fine arts festival run-offs which were at the elementary school.  I was in charge of hiring judges, so I hired Michael to judge vocals and Rachel Grove for strings.  It was fun to see some familiar faces at work :)

After the run-offs, Michael and Jillian came over and we had Chinese food at our house and watched the "Grey's Anatomy" and "Private Practice" marathon (after putting Emily to bed of course!)

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