Monday, December 26, 2011

Our Life: November Week Four

November 20-26, 2011

On Sunday, November 20th Noah was baptized at Emmanuel Reformed Church in Paramount, CA.

Surprise, surprise... it rained.  :)
It rained on the day he was born.
{ It rained on the day we brought him home from the hospital.
It rained today, the day of his baptism.
Even in Southern California, it seems to rain on the most significant days of his life.
His future bride should just be prepared for a rainy day wedding.  ;)
Fitting, I guess, for a baby named Noah. }
Noah was hilarious, looking up at Pastor Ken while he spoke.
He made the whole congregation giggle.  :)
Afterwards we had a luncheon at our house.  
(A few more people came than are in this picture, but we snapped a quick photo before Pete had to leave.)

This boy is happiest when he's either eating, or n@ked.
... he gets those traits from his father.  ;) 

Monday & Tuesday: David stayed here with Pete, Noah & me.
Emily went to Palm Springs with Grandpa & Grandma.
I had ACSI Convention during school hours.
On Tuesday, David, Peter & Noah went down to San Diego together.
In the evening we pulled out the Christmas lights & decorations and went out for a yummy dinner at my fav restaurant--Roman Cucina!

On Wednesday, David, Noah & I drove to Palm Springs.  (Pete was working in SD.) 
Mom & Dad (aka Grandpa & Grandma Sasha) got condos for all of us and we had a fun few days hanging out together.
Pete joined us for Thanksgiving and after dinner we all went to see his first appearance in a major motion picture... The Muppet Movie!  ;)
...and we could see him!   (For all of 2 seconds, but still, it was fun and a great movie too!)
Happy Thanksgiving!

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