August 2011
Week 2
Part 1: Sunday-Wednesday
Sunday we had a family day with Grandpa & Grandma Patches, Uncle Steve, Aunt Davee, Austin, Tate, Maci & our family.
See the family resemblance?
Patches (with Gma Patches)
Back at Gpa & Gma's house, waiting for the ice cream boy
...choosing their ice cream treats...
the big kids with their treats
Gpa, the ice cream boy & the cousins
this is what it looks like when Noah gives kisses :)
sweet happy boy :)
And since you can't complete your visit to Orange City without the obligatory photo in the wooden shoe... :)
Windmill Park
Monday we went to Minnesota to see Paul & Laura.
We stopped by our friends the Groen's for lunch to catch up with them and meet Mika, who came home from Haiti in February!
Mika & Emily playing with playdough
The boys feeding their baby boys
Alex watching the girls play dress up:
Two princesses and a monkey wearing a tutu :)
I SO wish they lived closer so that the moms... I mean, the girls... could have play dates more often. :)
6 kids under the age of 4
(Well, first try of this location!)
Tuesday morning we went to the Mall of America with Uncle Paul, Aunt Laura & Josephine
Emily has been asking to have her face painted for months, so we thought today was a good day to let her do it. :)
[Back home at Paul & Laura's]
Tyler, Jill & Julia just moved to Minnesota this week (and live just one suburb over from Paul & Laura) so they stopped by for an hour or two after dinner and we went to the park.
Em was a little confused as to why her CA friends were there, but happy to see them nonetheless.
Noah & Josephine
No, we didn't plan to match them... we all got ready in separate parts of the house and then found they were wearing the coordinating monkey onesies from Target.
Lunch at Potbelly's! Yum!
Laura introduced me to this delicious tea :)
This is one of my favorite photos of Emily...
maybe ever...
Uncle Paul & Em playing Kinect back at their house
{Noah kept trying to hold his cousin's hand}
Joey smiled!!!
...and then she cried.
...and cried a lot... (my kids weren't sure what to think)
...and then Noah decided he shouldn't let her cry alone...
...and then this Mama put down the camera!
Reminder: this is just the first half of the week.
Thursday-Saturday's photos coming soon!
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